--- In
, Bakis Sirros <synth_freak_2000@y...> wrote:
> hello matthew,
> that's what i said to dieter!you can't have
> everything.i,too,prefer the buchla 259 module,even if
> it track for about 4 octaves only.but dieter was a bit
> sceptical,if such a vco would make any proper
> sales,so,please,vote in our new poll,to show him if
> you really want such a vco with 4 octave
> tracking!otherwise we will have to settle for an a111
> expander module that ,in combination with the a111
> triangle output, will produce similar ( ) sounds to
> the buchla 259,possibly,but it will track properly for
> many octaves,of course.
> bakis.
so the proposed expander would connect via ribbon cable internally, thus needing an
a111 i ask because my osc's are not a111s. -psm