--- In
, "thomasborax" <thomasborax@y...>
> hi folks. my questions in the past have all been answered in a
> helpful mannner, thank you to all on this list.
> here's today's queries:
> the a108 filter. this seems like a good one for me. however, i
> currently have the Asol sy01 w/ moog ladder 24db lpf. i must say
> is dull, boring and filters too much of the signal out. it's so
> it almost seems like a volume nob. i had a frostwave ms20 clone,
hello thomas,
here are some quick thoughts about
the filters in my modular:
a102 diode lowpass
very good for deep bass sounds at minimum resonance
and low cutoff frequency, lots of guts here.
not that easy to control, very strange resonance
behaviour. not good to use as sine oscillator,
as the resonance varies when cutoff is sweeped.
a103 roland type 18db lowpass
i only use this to emulate certain sounds.
self-oscillation is a bit weak, but has
a nice buzzin sound when adjusted carefully.
a104 trautonium filter
good for creating formants.
essential for trautonium-patches.
a105 ssm2044 lowpass
the best for self-oscillation, very stable and
playable sinewave through the whole frequency
band. my favorite for sinewave sub-bass.
a107 multitype morphing filter
typical cem-sound, sweet and soft, but due
to the different filter types and morphing
it can also sound harsh and uncompromising.
this is the right one for unusual filtering.
a108 moog type 48db lowpass
great filter, very versatile and fat.
imho the best lowpass filter i have.
also great bandpass output.
a109 signal processor
typical cem lowpass, sweet, but only bread
and butter standard. this module has
it's strength in the combination of
a120 moog 24db lowpass
i can't recommend this filter. mine is
from 1995, it sounds good but the input stage
is weak, no overdrive is possible.
the a108 is far better in any case.
a121 cem 12db multimode
nice filter, good resonance. a real allrounder.
the input stage is a bit weak, but thats not such
a big problem as with the a120.
a122 cem 24db lowpass
very similar to the a109-implemented filter.
a123 cem 24db highpass
i really like this filter, it's
overall-sound is as smooth as on
the other cem-based filters.
a124 wasp multimode
i love it. great for filtering drums.
no self-oscillation, but very interesting
musical distortion at high resonance.
imho one of the most interesting highpass
filters around.
a127 triple resonance filter
also a very good sounding filter.
great for filter animation. i recommend
switches on the front panel to select
between lowpass and bandpass, far better
than using the dip-switches on the pcb.
sounds awesome with one filter in lowpass
and the other two in bandpass mode.
a128 fixed filter bank
very useful for sound-shaping or
for equalisation. i like it alot,
despite the fact that there are no
single outs. these would make it
a real killer module.
a129/2 vocoder synthesis section
from time to time i use this one as
voltage-controlled fixed filterbank,
but extensive patching is needed for
all the cv-inputs, so this is not a
recommended application.
analogue systems:
rs120 comb filter
no real filter, bbd-based flanger unit
fits better. sounds really cool, very metallic,
but bad frequency range (because of the bbd),
no signal above 5 khz. i like it anyway,
because it sounds completely different.
rs360 triple resonance multimode
i'm a bit dissapointed about this one
soundwise. sounds a bit thin.
i don't use it often.
rs500e ems type 18/24db diode lowpass
really good if you want to have that ems
synthi sound. it emulates the ems far better
than the a102, but for some reason i use the
a102 more often. anyway the resonance is much
more usable than on the a102 and it has
cv-control of resonance too.
analogue solutions:
sy02 ms20 filter/vca
sounds like expected, mean and dirty.
i still like my original ms20 better,
the sy02 is harsher and not so creamy
as my ms20, it also doesn't sound
equally good when it is overdriven.
nevertheless it is a really good
filter and i use it quite often.
blacet research:
filf2310 12db filthy multimode
a really great filter with lots of
possibilities. this is THE filter if
you are going for a blacet rack.
lots of in- and outputs, voltage-controlled
everything and really mean resonance.
my favorite, together with a108 and a124.
ok so far. all the descriptions are my
subjective meaning and maybe i'll totally
change my taste in one or two months.
you'll never know what the future
may bring, right ;-)
best wishes