thanks florian and synthfreak for your thoughts on lining up these
odd stepped rhythms. a PLL makes sense, i'm not sure it
would help me directly with this polyrhythm issue but now that i
have a better understanding of PLL i can see that it would be
very useful in similar applications (been to the poll already:). and
using a freq divider did cross my mind but knowing how finicky
the a113 can be (in regard to what types of waves it can divide), i
figured a more advanced clock divider would be necesary, not a
freq divider, but i could be wrong.
i guess the thing i'm really after to is to be able to freely change
beat divisions of a single rhythmic component on the fly and
keep any accidental 'wrong' patterns locked while it's running.
and without having to break out the slide rule every few bars.
perhaps this is too much to ask for w an all analogue
guess i'll settle for doing this in reaktor though not nearly as
appealing as mixing all those cv's.