hello UF,
i'm impressed by one thing,though:
in their site,buchla mentions that each module
parameter can be STORED with the help of the
midi/preset manager module! how do they do this does
it mean that every one module has digital control of
it's parameters internaly is there any other way that
the knob positions could be stored in an "analog"
--- unknown freak <
> I'm tempted to say the Buchla probably still offers
> deeper creative
> possibilities in certain areas, but the Doepfer
> seems to outdo it in
> others. Timbrally it's a lost cause to argue that
> the Buchla goes
> further. And yes, let's face it, size, especially
> in terms of
> CV-related modules, translates pretty well into
> creative potential.
> There's tremendous allure to some of the Buchla
> modules, like the Dual
> Arbitrary Function Generator:
> While there's a certain amount of mystification
> inherent in the
> abstractness of the description of its functions,
> it's still quite a
> thing. Will it outdo two A155s chained to an A154
> In most respects,
> probably not, or at least not in any way that makes
> its $1900 seem like
> a sensible alternative to the $769 for the 2x A155 +
> A154, for my own
> purposes anyway.
> The Buchla philosphy seems to lend itself to an
> attitude of
> let's-disappear-down-the-electronic-rabbit-hole,
> sort of entering into
> equal partnership with abstract functionality
> derived from a kind of
> here's-what-we-can-do-electronically idea, where the
> assumption is that
> the music you make with it will be opened up via a
> deep encounter with
> the instrument's own CV resources, whereas the
> Doepfer seems at least
> initially to have emerged from a much more East
> Coast
> synthesizer-as-toolkit-under-my-control philosophy,
> which given the
> breadth of the Doepfer catalog can open up in a very
> Buchla-like way
> when desired. You can actually probably credit the
> Doepfer with greater
> flexibility, but the Buchla with an inherently
> trippier and more elegant
> intellectual bent that by its very nature might lead
> you places you
> wouldn't go even with a properly equipped big
> Doepfer.
> From: Bakis Sirros <synth_freak_2000@y...>
> Date: Thu Sep 2, 2004 2:45 am
> Subject: RE: 1 Re: OT: new buchla 259
> hello,
> exactly what i'm saying is, that i admit the
> superior
> parts quality of the buchla modules, but these more
> expensive parts and R&D just doesn't justify the
> difference in price! but, i, too, like the buchla
> modular and i, too, think that it looks and sounds
> fantastic.but to me it doesn't sound better than my
> a100.
> and another thing: i am sure that there is no buchla
> modular owner that has a really big buchla
> modular(because of the prices, of course). so, the
> bottom line is that no buchla modular owner can have
> the huge creative possibilities that me and
> vogelscheiss have, because we have huge and very
> capable modulars. if we owned buchla modulars, we'd
> only have 20-30 modules...
> so, in the end, which modular gives you the most
> crazy
> and complex possibilities
> bakis.
Bakis Siros
Parallel Worlds / Polariton
1 group owner
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