some info on the subject from dieter:
bakis: "do you think that it would make sense to make a new poll
about a comb. filter module or it is similar to the phase shifter
module "
dieter doepfer: "There exists not only one "comb filter" module
type. A comb filter may be realized with phase shifters (i.e. phase
shift) or delay units (i.e. time shift) or even with several notch
filters in series. The main difference is the spacing between
the "holes" of the combs on the frequency axis. The effect resulting
from phase shifting is called phasing, the effect resulting from time
shifting is called flanging (earlier made with two tape recoders by
alternately slowing down the reels or flanges with the fingers). The
most versatile is the last solution with separate notch filter that
may be controlled by different CV sources (e.g. independent LFOs or
Shepard CVs or random or or or ...). In addition feedback can be used
(like filter feedback). Somewhere I have details of the difference
between phasing and flanging (pictures of the frequency distribution
of the "holes", as far as I remember the holes are equal spaced for
the flanger and logarithmic for the phaser). But as I'm very busy for
the fair I don't have the time to search the documents. Maybe someone
of the newsgroup knows detailes too (Florian ). As far as I remember
it was in an issue of the Polyphony magazine (about 1983/84). By the
way a very interesting magazine for technical details of modular
synthesizers but they stopped it middle of the eighties. Maybe
someone has scanned the magazine."
...so...anyone florian
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