Hi MD (or what your name ever may be...)
> It seems that the highest frequency of the A-110 lies around
> 1200 Hertz,
No, that is surely not the upper limit.
As far as I remember the multimode filter has a capacitor which damps the
self-oscillation in higher regions, because the filter would hang in
self-oscillation at high frequencies, though resonance was turned down
again. This limits the maximum frequency for selfoscillation. (This trick
is not Doepfers idea but is taken over from the application notes for the
CEM3320 chip).
I think the A120 should be able to do self oscillation in ranges up to
50.000 Hz
Florian Anwander |ConSol* HP-Support
Tel. +49.89.45841-133 |Consulting&Solutions Software GmbH
Fax +49.89.45841-139 |Franziskanerstr. 38, D-81669 München