Hi Ernst
> However, I am still convinced that using a frequency demodulator is the
> best option. Since using amplitude is not really an option because
> you'll lose definition in the low amplitude parts (I'm speaking about
> the conflicts with the noise floor of the recording medium that
> interferes with the actual CV).
You are right, but you will run into other troubles with freq/CV ;-)
> After some searching in books and discussing with a good friend. My
> attention was pointed towards the A-196 PLL module.
You found the right track
> I know that the A-196 PLL is not made for what I want to do, and I
> still might buy this module anyway because i can see some cool
> applications for it.
The PLL is basically made for what you want to do, but your Problem is,
that the output voltage is linear to frequency not to octave :-( So good
luck with producing a lin/log converter....
A second problem: To have a frequency range that produces more exact
results than a level based system you have to use a wide frequency
range. The PLL won't follow such a wide range as good as you would like it.