Thanks Oliver. I do not plan to use A-112 as a sampler at all - I could
always add extra $100 on Canadian price of the module, and get excellent
second hand Akai sampler. It's the wavetables that I am after. I would like
to sample female vocal, and use A-112 in wavetable mode, hoping for
something really wierd. As long as results are not irritating, I could use
For me, having to hook it up to computer and save/load wavetables is a big
hassle, and that's why I do not own sampler at all - I hate scrolling
through endless menus, wasting three minutes to adjust sample start, etc. So
because I do use samples in my work, I did the following: I purchased AX44
box from Yamaha and connected it to my DSP factory mixer sound card. So I
load sample in Cubase, and use AX44 to route audio to modular (or effects,
but they broke two weeks ago :-( and back. So my computer is a sampler,
with excellent interface that I know very well.
Thanks for the reply. As you can see, I love chatting about these things.
>From: "omegaattraktor" <
>Subject: 1 Re: A-112 Sample/Wavetable Question
>Date: Thu, 09 Sep 2004 07:11:31 -0000
>hello zoran
> >
> > sorry I have to ask one more question: how noisy do these sounds
>i wouldn't describe the sound of the a112 as noisy. it's just an
>8bit sound. take a bitcrusher on your audio sequencer and you get an
>impression of the sound. but the a112 sounds better to my ears!
>for storing your a112 samples on a mac you can use a sysex dumper
>programm. so having a mac is no problem (i have a mac too). i'm not
>shure if there are more possibilities with the pc editor for the
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