hello stuadh,
i don't know if it is normal, but i noticed that too
in my korg ms50, but only in extreme high volume
also, in my ms50 the lfo sounds thru into the audio
output of the machine. but for me it is not a problem,
as this happens only when i have my mixer's channel
gain is set to FULL (that means Never!)
your a100 has the same problem in low (normal) audio
levels too
--- stuadh <
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've noticed recently that I'm experiencing some
> interference
> from a number of modules in my system. It is
> noticeable only
> when the VCA is open it most noticeably comes from
> the A-146
> (the RS40 clock, and RS80 LFO have a lesser effect).
> It sounds a bit like having the LFO plugged into
> the filter cutoff
> but it happens even if the filter is not in the
> patch. In fact, I've
> tested it with a patch running the VCO directly to
> the VCA with the
> gain up and nothing else patched in. I've even
> moved the LFO
> around with but the interference doesn't go away.
> It is definately
> the above mentioned modules, as changing the
> frequencies on
> the module changes the sound of the interference.
> Is this
> normal Can I shield against it
> Stuadh
Bakis Siros
Parallel Worlds / Polariton
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