here are some more a106 examples, this time
with additional modules patched into the
feedback loop.
again the same drumloop was used as in my
previous examples. the drumloop coming from
an a119 was fed into the a106. the envelope
follower output was used to modulate the
cutoff frequency. the a106 output was then
sent to the final vca (a131) for output
level control.
each example represents a different feedback
loop patch. the parameters may vary on each
recording, especially the a106 input level
and feedback level had to be re-adjusted
on each patch.
each file is 120 kb in size.
here we go:
1. filtermode: lowpass
feedback loop: a125 phaser, followed by an a132 vca for
level boosting. the a125 was modulated by an a145 lfo.
2. filtermode: lowpass
feedback loop: a126 frequency shifter, followed by
an a132 vca. both a126 and a132 were modulated by the
a119 envelope follower output.
5. filtermode: lowpass
feedback loop: a114 ring modulator. the x-component
of the ringmodulation was a sine wave, coming from
an a111 vco. the a111 was pitch-modulated by the
a119 envelope follower output. the a114 output was
sent into an a138 mixer for level attenuation and
then back into the a106.