hallo ernst.
i just wanted to tell you how much i enjoyed your sounds! although no 'musical' they are
very unique and could certainly be used in a tune. they are a great example of the kinds of
things one can do with analogue modulars that would be very difficult to do otherwise.
just a matter of note. i do not own a A100 system. i do own a schaltwerk and maq16/3
which i use with my LARGE PAiA 4700 modular - its basically 5 4700 systems put together
into one massive 12 oscillator synth. I restored the whole thing and its great. I also use a
couple minimoogs.
for anyone interested. check the 'gear' page for some pics of the current setup.
toronto, canada
--- In
, "achtung_999" <ernst@d...> wrote:
> Hi list.
> Just to show you what my sick noise twisting mind came up with.
> Noise Warning: not regular Vangelis-style appreggios !!
> Grtz.
> Ernst