hello all,
i don't know if you have noticed already, but some of
you have an a107 module with an old microcontroller
chip (the long 28-pins chip) that cannot store in it's
memory all of the 36 filter types. only the first 32
types can be stored with the old chip.(try it out!)
so, dieter doepfer told me that now they have
corrected this bug and reprogrammed their
microcontroller chips and everything works fine! of
course, they will replace your old chip with the new
one for free.
but, you should send your old chip back to doepfer
direct only if you have bought your a107 from doepfer
all other customers, should contact the dealer from
whom they bought their a107, and ask them when they
should send their old chip back to their dealer (and
of course ask the dealer to order some new chips from
doepfer). first, the dealer has to have in stock the
new chip, otherwise the a107 user will remain with a
non-working a107 for quite some time (until he
receives the new chip from the dealer that is).
here are dieter's words:
" the chip has to be sent to the dealer or
representative where the module was purchased. This is
valid especially US customers. The chip (labelled
PIC16F76, 28 pins) can be sent to us directly only if
the A-107 was purchased from us directly. And it will
be a good idea to announce the return of the chip
should in time so that the dealer/representative has a
chance to order a replacement chip from us in time so
that the customer can use his A-107 without any gap
(it does not make sense to send a single chip to USA,
we will add replacement chips only to bulk shipments
to the country in question). Unfortunately so far no
dealer or representative has a programming unit to
reprogram the chip with the correct software. So we
have to reprogram the chips here in Germany."
Bakis Siros
Parallel Worlds / Polariton
1 group owner
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