Guys -
I very rarely toot my own horn, but it you guys want a 259, get a
Plan B VCO and Dieter's Wave Multiplier, the A-137. If you want
the LFO, add a A-147 to that stack. You will get all of the sound
and 95% of the functionality.
The original 259 is nothing more than a 258 with a bunch of
wave shaping and an LFO added. One of its pirmary features
which I don't think is of value to most nowdays is the 259 was
also computer controllable via the Buchla 300.
Outside of the wave morphing, which IS different, the Plan B
circuitry emulates the 258 sonically in the areas that count - the
triangle core, the expo FM, the freq response of the two main vc
inputs and the sound of the sine wave are pretty much identical.
Dieter's wave multiplier does wave folding in much the same
manner as the 259s waveshapers did, although Don used
terms like odd and even harmonics instead of square and saw.
Just a thought.
- P