hello peter,
i know and really believe that your plan B vco is a
great sounding module. but for me, here in greece,
your modules are also not an option. the custom duties
for US products, as far as i know, will be huge
(something like 50% extra!). so, your vco will cost me
more than 300 euros, not counting big shipping costs!
so, i would really prefer a european 259 vco doepfer
a100 module.
--- "(i think you can figure that out)"
> wrote:
> Guys -
> I very rarely toot my own horn, but it you guys want
> a 259, get a
> Plan B VCO and Dieter's Wave Multiplier, the A-137.
> If you want
> the LFO, add a A-147 to that stack. You will get
> all of the sound
> and 95% of the functionality.
> The original 259 is nothing more than a 258 with a
> bunch of
> wave shaping and an LFO added. One of its pirmary
> features
> which I don't think is of value to most nowdays is
> the 259 was
> also computer controllable via the Buchla 300.
> Outside of the wave morphing, which IS different,
> the Plan B
> circuitry emulates the 258 sonically in the areas
> that count - the
> triangle core, the expo FM, the freq response of the
> two main vc
> inputs and the sound of the sine wave are pretty
> much identical.
> Dieter's wave multiplier does wave folding in much
> the same
> manner as the 259s waveshapers did, although Don
> used
> terms like odd and even harmonics instead of square
> and saw.
> Just a thought.
> - P
Bakis Siros
Parallel Worlds / Polariton
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