--- Dieter Doepfer <
> wrote:
> From: "Dieter Doepfer" <
> To: "Bakis Sirros" <
> Subject: AW: 1 Re: MAQ 16/3 or
> A-154/5/6
> Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2004 16:44:36 +0200
> > the only thing which is a bit sad about the a155's
> is
> > that the max voltage range is only 4 volts. ok for
> a pure
> > a100 system, but if you are using other modulars
> as well,
> > then 4 volts are not really suitable for all
> purposes.
> As you probably guess....
> the A-155 can be modified for higher voltages. The
> sum of the resistor R9
> (27k in the upper row, 1k in the lower row) and the
> potentiometer P9 (5k
> trimming potentiometer in the upper row, 50k front
> panel potentiometer in
> the lower row) define the maximum output voltage.
> They form the feedback
> resistor of an inverting amplifier (see DIY page).
> If R9 or P9 or both are
> replaced by higher values the max. output voltage
> can be adjusted to the
> desired value (max. ~ 10V). But for higher voltages
> it is very difficult to
> adjust the knobs to semitones. This is why we
> limited the upper row to 4V.
> The lower row has already a maximum higher output
> voltage (~ 6.5V).
> If desired we could add this modification to the DIY
> page.
> Best wishes
> Dieter Doepfer
Bakis Siros
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