anybody have the MTC64 and CTM64
i recently bought these and think they are pretty cool!
here's a couple of things i tried with the MTC64
drum machine: wire the trigger outputs to a-140s and/or a-141s, a-
142s, or your envelope/drum patch of choice
i used a mam sq16 to sequence for x0x style programming, this setup
could be an alternative to a Schaltwerk or the Analogue Solutions MT16
and with 64 trigger outputs you could get into pretty deep triggering
with a little work and a good sequencer
polyphony: i also tried crude organ style poly with each key
triggering a voice of pretuned vcos going though a vca or vcf & vca
not very practical but worth trying. i stopped at 9 voices but if
you had enough modules and were up to the challenge you do up to 64
voices of true polyphony
i'm working on a cool idea for the contact to midi kit... think dr
seuss meets moog liberation