Hi Tim,
That's a good observation and may be one of the reasons that the number of participants who enter discussion is limited to the same people.
The list members are very helpful, some very knowledgeable (esp Florian). Never be afraid to ask if you don't understand.
It will probably be a good idea to ask Bakis to provide a short explanation with each poll, to help bring everyone up to at least a basic level of understanding.
How about it Bakis I would be happy to submit a short explanation for any polls I think of.
<tstinchcombe@qi To:
netiq.com> cc:
Subject: 1 Re: Regarding the polls
18/02/2002 13:42 Header: Internal Use Only
Please respond
to Doepfer_a100
My main problem with the polls (I have voted in a few of them) is lack
of info about what they are about: what is a VACTROL whatever ; what
is so special about the EMS filter ; what is a granular processor ;
and so on etc. I would probably vote in a few more of them if I knew
what I was voting for (or against)!!!!!!!
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