here are some very short examples for the
a143/1 and a143/2 quad envelope generators.
obviously these modules leave ordinary
quad envelope generators behind.
they can also be used as multistage
envelopes or lfo's.
the examples are mostly very simple, but
this way the shape of the envelopes and
lfo's are most recognisable.
a143/1 example 1 + 2 (064kb + 106kb)
in the first two examples the a143/1
mix out was used to modulate the pitch
of an a110 sinewave. all generators
were set to "ad".
a143/1 example 3 (111kb)
in the third example all four generators
of the a143/1 were set to "lfo".
the rest is basically the same as
in the first two examples.
a143/1 example 4 (080kb)
in the fourth example 3 separate outs
of the a143/1 were used to modulate the
cutoff frequencies of an a127 triple
bandpass filter. the sound source for the
filter is an a110 pulse with fixed
a143/2 example 5 (066kb)
in example 5 the "end-of-attack" outputs of
the a143/2 were used for chaining the envelopes
together. the rest of the patch was very similar
to example 4. again an a127 was used and also the
same a110 pulse as source.
a143/2 example 6 (096kb)
example six is a more complex patch and useful
for creating custom distortion effects.
the a110 pulse wave was fed into an a101/3
vactrol phaser with two additional feedback
loops. the level of those feedback loops were
controlled by an a132 dual vca.
two envelopes of the a143/2 were chained together
with the "end-of-decay" output and were used to
modulate the a132 dual vca.
the two remaining envelopes were used to
modulate the pitchshift of the a101/3
and the gain of a final vca (a131).
best wishes