dieter says, about the TKS and normal keyboard:
"I assume that we will continue in January. I'm not
sure if I already mentioned this: as we received a lot
of complaints because we cancelled the pressure
sensitivity for the TKB be (once more) reconsidered
the concept to introduce the pressure sensitivity
again. The pressure sensor of the prototype is very
expensive and requires a lot of assembly time. So we
try to use another type of sensor that is manufactured
by a US company. So far we have only a very small
sample of this sensor and wait for a long sample as
required for the TKB. As soon as this new sample
arrives we will continue the TKB development.
Independent of the TKB the "normal" keyboard will be
developed as well. Last week we received new samples
of a modulation wheel box (includes two wheels, one
with spring, one without) and another joy-stick. We
think about adding both (2 wheels and joy-stick) to
the normal keyboard. We hope that because of the
height of the normal keyboard these controls could be
added to the case without causing problems. For the
TKB it is different as the TKB is extremely flat (the
prototyp is only ~ 2 cm. But the depth of the
wheels/joy-stick is more than ~ 6 cm.
May be we will go the modular way too, i.e. offering
the wheels and joy-stick as a separate box that could
be added to both the TKB and the normal keyboard."
Bakis Siros
Parallel Worlds / Polariton
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