I'm basically interested in the TKS as an interacrtive sequencing
module but pressure sensitive would be definately a plus as the
suggested box is. Regards, Ilanode
--- In
, Bakis Sirros
<synth_freak_2000@y...> wrote:
> dieter says, about the TKS and normal keyboard:
> "I assume that we will continue in January. I'm not
> sure if I already mentioned this: as we received a lot
> of complaints because we cancelled the pressure
> sensitivity for the TKB be (once more) reconsidered
> the concept to introduce the pressure sensitivity
> again. The pressure sensor of the prototype is very
> expensive and requires a lot of assembly time. So we
> try to use another type of sensor that is manufactured
> by a US company. So far we have only a very small
> sample of this sensor and wait for a long sample as
> required for the TKB. As soon as this new sample
> arrives we will continue the TKB development.
> Independent of the TKB the "normal" keyboard will be
> developed as well. Last week we received new samples
> of a modulation wheel box (includes two wheels, one
> with spring, one without) and another joy-stick. We
> think about adding both (2 wheels and joy-stick) to
> the normal keyboard. We hope that because of the
> height of the normal keyboard these controls could be
> added to the case without causing problems. For the
> TKB it is different as the TKB is extremely flat (the
> prototyp is only ~ 2 cm. But the depth of the
> wheels/joy-stick is more than ~ 6 cm.
> May be we will go the modular way too, i.e. offering
> the wheels and joy-stick as a separate box that could
> be added to both the TKB and the normal keyboard."
> =====
> Bakis Siros
> Parallel Worlds / Polariton
> Athens-Greece
> 1 group owner
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