Hello Asbjörn, check the: Power Source interference thread as it
adresses the very same prob. The only difference I see from this
distance btn stuadh's and your issue is that he employs recommended
PSUs by Power One (HAA or HBB series I suppose) so you could try a
better PSU (ie the new one by Doepfer)if you don't want to go for 2
diff. distrib. boards (see above ment. thread). When I started out
with a 2nd hand system G6 frame I had the same issue. It has
disappeared since I use a different PSU. (Or my patches have just
got noisier ) Regards, Ingo aka...
--- In
, "lfosynth2000"
<lfosynth2000@y...> wrote:
> Hi everybody! I just got a second hand Doepfer system. After a few
> days I realised the Lfos (A145 & 147) interfering with my A110
> oscilators (x2) and filter modules: a121.(I can hear easily that
> Filter modules get intefered when they are self oscilating). I
> to find info everywhere and tested all the tipps I found but
> gets rid of it. It has a +5V xtra power module but I removed it
> but nothing gets better. I even tried to dismount all the modules
> just leaving 1xA110 and 1xLfo and moving around them in the rack.
> Even tried to swap the oscilators and Lfos (from a145 to A147) but
> doesnt get better. I would really apreciate some help if anybody
> think of something. Greetings Asbjörn