Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
Doepfer_a100 group:
EDP Wasp style envelopes.
Anyone who had a WASP synth would know
that one off the greatest things are
it's envelopes. The machine got
envelopes with repeat functions when you
close the Release. Then then they cycle
back to Atack after the Sustain part.
It would be great to my opinion if
Doepfer came with a module like that
they could be use as oscilators to!!
It would be nice if they could be
morphed from negative to possitive to.
So please give your opinion on this and
i hope Dietrich reads this and gonna
pick this up. So please vote a yes or a No.
o Yes
o No
To vote, please visit the following web page:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Doepfer_a100/surveys id=11954706
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