The 2005 "Bug Off" Aleatoric Music Contests are back!
Howdy Folks! It's time once again to harvest the mystically
marvelous power of those Synths you've got and put them
to use making strange and haunting tunes that are wacky,
alien, and totally obtuse!
Ya'll are making that there "Bug Music!" there aren't ya
The previous 2004 contest entries are also archived on
the site for your listening pleasure!
(Now hosted by Cyndustries)
We all want to hear what you can do in only five-weeks
with your machines recording up to a three-minute
"tune" that supports this contest theme of:
Singing Robots!
What does that mean
Break out those filter banks and vocoders people,
hook-up a microphone and a kazoo, or record your
computer talking. Patch your brains out and get your
filters funky! Let's all hear what you think it might
sound like to hear Robots Sing!
Click on... "Bug Music Contest" for details!
(Otherwise, Happy New Year to All!)