The system hasn't been moved frm my house since it was first
cabinetised - but it's had three changes of cabinet as it's expanded
and the routing of the power lines has been rearranged a dozen or so
times. The headers are the same ones that were supplied from doepfer
in most cases. I think it's just the way headers are - They aren't
too secure a fit. I was thinking of using Blu-Tack as it's removable.
I don't know if it's available in your country but it's like a
Plasticine or a modelling dough. It would hold things firm, but can
be pulled off if required. Another way would be to "hard-wire" the
modules but I don't want to go down that route.
Possibly I could change them all to a different kind of connector -
but as I have over 70 modules this would not be a small task.
--- In
, Florian Anwander
<Florian.Anwander@c...> wrote:
> Hi Richeard,
> > I'm finding that many of my power cable headers are so loose
that any
> > movement of the cabinet can shake them partly out of the sockets
> > stop power to that module.
> I do not have this problems with a Doepfer only system, though i
> transport it in the car also on some bad roads.
> Are the cables original Doepfer manufactured I assume the problem
> related to frequent transports of your system. If this is the case,
> should wath out, that the system is transported always upright. If
> system is laying on the side, the connectors might follow the force
> gravity.
> Do you disconnect and reconnect the cable quite often
> > If so, any cure - I'm thinking of Blu-Tack but is there a
> > solution out there
> Do not use any kind adhesive tape! There are comaptible types of
> connector/socket, which have a locking mechanism. The replacement
is not
> really easy, but could be done by a person, who is experienced
> desoldering multipin sockets.
> Florian