Bakis Sirros said:
> hello list,
> any ideas for future forthcoming a100 modules
> tell me your ideas and i'll create polls for these
> modules. some of these imaginary modules will not be
> able to become reality for many reasons, but others
> will maybe become true in the future! who knows i'm
> waiting for ideas!
> i'm waiting for wierd and wonderful modules that do
> not exist, so far, in any other modular!
I'd like to see some drum synth stuff. Not self contained clone drum
voices like the concussor modules, but drum synth components. The a100
already has the a117 808 hat osc generator so there's some precedent for
this. The two I can think of that would be most useful would be a dual or
triple twin-t osc module (the kind of spiked-filter osc that was present
in many of the 808s sounds), and a crack/clap generator module (decay eg
with internal trigger pulse train for use in claps)
Dual (or Triple) Twin T osc:
-Trig in (that has a trig shaper circuit to get the correct trig signal
for the right sound even if a gate signal is used here)
-Pitch knob
-Decay knob (simply controls the resonance of the filter in a very small
-Pitch cv in would be nice (with the caveat that too much fast mod here
causes the circuit to never decay) .
Clap/Crack generator:
-Trigger in (starts pulse train)
-Trig speed knob (time between pulses in the pulse train)
-Trig speed cv
-Decay time (this is for the eg, so it's for each trigger not the total
-Retrig knob (controls number of pulses in the pulse train, say between 3
and 8 )
-Clap gen output (outputs the EG out)
-End of trig out (gets a trigger, or gate I guess, one trigger after the
last one in the pulse train as set by the retrig knob. Ie, you set retrig
knob to 3 and the pulse train actually makes 4 pulses, the first three
fire the decay eg and the last one is sent to the end of trig out. This is
for the extra mile in clap synthesis of having the last eg trig be longer
decay/release, it'll let you fire off an external eg for this.)
I can do all this with my current module list, sure, but I have to use an
rs110 and a channel on my trig delay (for trig shaping) for each
percussion osc, and the clap generation is even more module-wasteful. It
would be nice to have these in self-contained modules more streamlined for
these functions.
Another useful thing might be a log/exp shaper for EG shaping, but I guess
that might not be too hard with current modules, just an extra vca and a
mult (or an inverter as well depending on which way you want to shape).
|| Eat your greens, especially broccoli |
|| And always say "thank you" |||||||||||
|| Especially for broccoli ||||||||||||||