My ideas...quick thoughts before I go to sleep.
I would like to see a Quad osc. We already have Quad
Envs and LFOs and Dual VCAs (though linear :( ) so a
polyphonic system really isn't as far-fetched an idea
as it seems when coupled with an MCV-24 for example!!
Perhaps this one could be digital for stability. Maybe
an expanded A-112 (A-112-2) with 4 simultaneous
oscillators each choosing from a bank of 128 waves
(example) and each having a dedicated audio output to
run through the amazing Modcan Vector Fade module
or Doepfer
A-135. Have an LED [screen] next to each oscillator
seperation to choose the exact waveform. So this
module would have a similar interface to the A-113.
Midi or USB for sample dump is a must but one can do
the actual sampling on the computer. And have a more
expanded wavetable mode. More memory too of course.
If not that, or both, I'd like the more complex analog
osc already mentioned. We have a zillion filters, how
bout more osc We currently have more switches than
I want a kit version of that shortwave radio but I am
not positive that it'd sell enough to justify
manufacturing it. Dieter has already explained why a
module version isn't possible.
I would like more "fx modules" as a continuation of
the A-101-3/A-125 and upcoming BBD delay. The bit
reducer falls in this category. Perhaps a dedicated
flanger, parametric EQ, VC compressor (yes I realize
some of this stuff is already possible but dedicated
modules especially multi-functional ones are always
preferable to me).
I want more percussion oriented modules, though not to
copy the Asol Concussor. Another poster had some
similar ideas. BTW some people use multiple A-112
modules as "modular drum kits"!!
I love the suitcase and sometimes I try to convince
users to buy those over G6 racks as I think its a more
elegant solution especially for those that play live.
But I'd like an even smaller, more portable system
that is battery-powered (not necessary C, more like a
laptop style battery, though either is fine). I would
like to be able to take a small case like this plus
5-7 modules (say 70 TE maximum) on the airplane. Yes
it'd be somewhat limited but also very fun. Not easy
to manufacturer but anything is possible with the
right amount of time/money.
Thinking of which, that A-195 would be very fun to
experiment with. Just market it to Aphex Twin fans and
maybe we can meet the initial production requirement.
I want an analog pitchshifter (not digital due to
latency) but realize that changing the delay time on
the forthcoming BBD module or tweaking the tune knob
on an A-112 when controlling a sample could create a
similar sound. I'm simply obsessed with processing and
tape effects.
Oh, one more. Before we talked about matrix switchers.
I mean similar to the EMS style but instead of using
pins we would have a switchboard with pushbuttons. Now
take this one step further and add a randomize
function. That could be fun especially if it was
I really do question how the A-100 will continue to be
improved upon in the future. There are so many modules
already available that its hard to imagine even more!
But of course I do want more, I want them all...
Thank you,
Shawn Cleary
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