Hi Joost
> Currently, I am using a Novation A-station as a kind of "poly DCO
> bank" to feed my A-100, but I would really appreciate to have
> something from Doepfer,
I have two A-110 and two A-111, so I tested once a four voice setup with
four different lowpass-filters, four linear VCAs and four ADSR. I found
that I have to adjust the A-110 very exactly, to have a satisfying
musical result.
Then I replaced the four Doepfer VCOs by four Oscillators from my Nord
Modular (sent to the four outputs). This was really fine. I had the
indiviual sound of the different voices, but the good tuning of the
digital oscillators.
So I assume a digital controlled fourvoice oscillator would be the best
solution. Whether a DCO like in JX8P (programmable counter resets the
oscillating capacitor circuit), or a complete DSP solution is the better
way is a question of the costs for the development effort.