> i'm not
> interested in running from batteries. i have no clue what the exact
> requirements are that i should look for in a power supply,, could you
> help explain exactly what i should be looking for could i possibly
> just use a spare computer psu i have lying around
The psu you want to use is called a "dual output linear supply". The things in your pcs are called switched mode, and work in a
different way. There are people who use them, for sure, but the disadvantage is that the output is not as clean as from a linear
supply, and may cause audiable interfearance.
A couple that i got a while back, so as you can see whats what...
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll ViewItem&item=3861864424
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll ViewItem&item=3861864449
(the descriptions are in German, but you can see the product code in some of the photos, and look them up on power-one's site.
Incidentaly, one of those is the same as found behind the power module of the MOTM systems)