Okey. I too felt that RM was a bit on the overzealous side in his words to
Doepfer, but perhaps so was I. I guess you get a bit annoyed after adressing
things and getting replies that to keep it short goes, we don't want to fix
it, it is not a priority and by the way we used cheap components under the
shell so we can't.
Call me a sucker but the reason behind my own grumbles is the fact that I
expect quality to be a word that is more than skin deep. Doepfer
manufactures its gear as quality products using top components such like
alp-faders on the regelwerk and so forth. Maybe it is not written down in
the specs, but when I bought mine I thought that the same detail was given
to the functions and intestants of the machine. So this is an issue of
quality. If it is marketed as top of the line it should get that kind of
attention. That for me includes basics like patternchaining and different
note lengths that has been standard issue on any sequencer over the last ten
So after failing to sell my unit for even half the retail price I do feel
cheated. On the other hand if it had these features or an option to use it
as a midi-cv(which could replace the non functional seqencer) it would be
very useful and wouldn't be just gathering dust along with my A100. Yes, you
heard right that too is gathering dust now cause of the lack of sequencing
I will do my best to discourage people to buy the regelwerk until a solution
comes up cause there are far better soultions on the market now that has a
future planned for them. I will however still tell people that the A100 is
good although the standard VCO tracks far less than perfect. And if they
manage to come up with a solution for these matters I have always wanted a
graphic VCO and oscillscope module and would by them on the spot.
That will be my final word about this until we get further information from
Dieter D on the matter.