> --- In Doepfer_a100@y..., "Rhen, Kris" <krhen@s...> wrote:
> > Actually in theory, any analog circuit which has a pot can be
> > changed to CV control. All a pot is is a voltage divider, so
> > applying the proper voltave across the divider has the same
> > effect. I'm considering lots of mods to my
> Do you know if the voltage that passes through the pot is the same as
> the output of the A-145 LFO Would I have to convert the the input
> to the proper voltage, or could I just wire a jack in place of the
> pot or even use the pot as a CV attenuator...
They don't really have to be related in any way (Vpot = VlFOoutput and most
likely not). Put a voltmeter across it and turn the pot to the min and max.
Should give you an idea of what voltage is being used (typically they're
taken from the +12v or across the +-12v sources but its hard to say without
the schematic. Yep you could use the pot as an attenuator and that's a
really good idea actually (put the jack as the input tothe divider instead
of whatever fixed voltage source is used - but then you'll always have to
use a CV unless you put a little switch in as well to switch between CV and
normal voltage source - or normalize it but that's another issue entirely
:-), but first figure out the voltage etc.
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