My 2 Cents: The more VCO's you have and use within a patch the better
quality they have to be. But I admit, I rarely use more than 4 VCO's
in a patch. (have also 13 - 10 non-doepfers, while 3 of them aren't
finished yet, but soon).
--- In
, "Pierre Zeeman" <pierrezee@h...>
> Hi,
> >but where it gets really crazy is when you use a cv to select the
> >in such a setup. i.e. use the sawtooth ouput of the VCO you're
> >modulating to select the active step; this way you will
> > have up to 8 different modulator waveforms within 1 cycle of the
> >carrier (or you could think of it as a single modulator with
> >frequency/spectrum).
> Ok, please stop posting things like this. I was *just* getting my
desire to
> acquire more modules under control. I'm going to have to call my
sponsor at
> modaholics anonymous now.
> rgds
> Pierre
> p.s. I am kidding obviously. By all means keep posting things like
this :)
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