--- In
, "gargar1974" <gustaf@p...> wrote:
> I guess what's up for discussion are these:
http://www.bigcitymusic.com/product.asp cat=New&pid=1000030
> So how are they compared to Doepfer VCOs
> /gustaf
> --- In
, "boward_k" <bovar.kalim@e...>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi group.
> > What are these Plan B VCO's your talking about
There's a Yahoogroup devoted to them -- PLAN_B_analog_blog
People seem to like them a lot.
The one thing I'm concerned is it looks like a one man operation so be aware you'll have a
long long wait to ship despite them appearing for sale at Big City.
I'm personally a tiny bit annoyed that I sent Peter Grenader an email trying to buy one on
pre-order (before Big City afaik and without the Big City commission) and he didn't send a
return e-mail saying all spoken for or buy it at Big City or whatever was appropriate.