My apologies,
I didn't realize you were looking for swapping out suggestions.
Your swapping options should probably be based on how much room
you can save and still have the same functions.
The A-109 Signal Processor takes up 20 HP, but in it you get the
equivalent of a VCF, VCA, 2-input Mixer, and a Panning module.
The equivalent of over 24 HP.
The A-135 VC Mixer is more than meets the eye.
If you are looking to have lots of discrete voices then it's not for you.
But, otherwise look closely. It's the equivalent of 4 VCA's and a
mixer -
40 HP worth in the space of 22HP! Throw in an A-175 and you can do
everything I discussed before about the Polarizing mixer, but do it with
Voltage Control. Take the 4 ouputs of a VCO; take the 4 outputs of a
Morph in real-time with Voltage. Happy mangling!
The rack sounds cool. You should be able to put the Reverb away from
stray signals.
The latest description I had from Shawn made the Wasp filter sound way
(And by the way I am NO expert - just had my Doepfer for a
little over a month ... and still excited! :)
Shawn's been good by me.
Took a look at your Gallery. Nice photos.
over and out,