i just want to point out that the a135 is not capable
of mixing cv's, it can only mix audio signals.
so the a135 cannot be compared with the newer ca3080-based
vca's or the polarizer modules.
best wishes
--- In
, sfrules <sfrules@t...> wrote:
> JKN,
> My apologies,
> I didn't realize you were looking for swapping out suggestions.
> Your swapping options should probably be based on how much room
> you can save and still have the same functions.
> The A-109 Signal Processor takes up 20 HP, but in it you get the
> equivalent of a VCF, VCA, 2-input Mixer, and a Panning module.
> The equivalent of over 24 HP.
> The A-135 VC Mixer is more than meets the eye.
> If you are looking to have lots of discrete voices then it's not
for you.
> But, otherwise look closely. It's the equivalent of 4 VCA's and a
> mixer -
> 40 HP worth in the space of 22HP! Throw in an A-175 and you can do
> everything I discussed before about the Polarizing mixer, but do it
> Voltage Control. Take the 4 ouputs of a VCO; take the 4 outputs of
> VCF -
> Morph in real-time with Voltage. Happy mangling!
> The rack sounds cool. You should be able to put the Reverb away
> stray signals.
> The latest description I had from Shawn made the Wasp filter sound
> gnarly!
> (And by the way I am NO expert - just had my Doepfer for a
> little over a month ... and still excited! :)
> Shawn's been good by me.
> Took a look at your Gallery. Nice photos.
> over and out,
> sfrules