hello martin,
please be aware that the mcv24 lfo's and adsr outputs
are not smooth, but stepped due to their digital origin.
maybe you should buy just a few modules first and then
add more modules later, this will give you a much better
image of which modules you'll really need.
asking for an addition to your planned setup
maybe you should add an a170 slew limiter, especially
if you are planning with the mcv24.
best wishes
--- In
, "martin_rudling"
<martinrudling@h...> wrote:
> Hello everyone. I feel slightly ashamed finding the MCV24 midi
> interface on the doepfer-site.
> Seems it will do it all, or if it can´t there is probably another
> the market that will do the job of complex-temposynced-multiple-
> lfo:s generating... I had only seen the A190-module until just a
> minute ago...
> And this is of course very good, also because I had collected far
> too many modules to put in one rack, which was my idea initially.
> And the reason why I only put only one VCO in the system was simply
> because I mainly plan to modulate external audio, (sent from my
> S6000 sampler) and thought that; buying a real analogue system
> without even examining what it can produce by itself No, that
> seemed a little bit too "anti-curious" of me, you know, I don´t
> a clue about what it can be! So adding just one VCO was an act of
> being "politically-correct"´(in Sweden it´s a manner of speaking,
> when a person "steals" opinions from the established authorities,
> mainly to please his environment because of unsecurity) Well, it
> might be a stupid thing to do with Doepfermodules, but how could I
> possibly feel attracted to something so completely un-experienced.
> (found Doepfer hunting analogue filters...) Ok. Now I understand I
> should add another vco, and since my eyes caught that MCV24-module
> have very different situation. If the machine does what I hope it
> does, I could skip a lot of modules, for example all the clock
> dividers, maybe all the lfo modules ( ). And with all the space I
> gain I can add some more "dual VCA:S" and at least one more
> filtermodule. Regarding filters I have (with the help from you
> come to the conclusion of putting a106-1 Extreme fltr and the
> 108 "moogy" fltr is a really good starter. Any ideas of what to add
> beside these
> Good night, I´ll get some sleep now and start thinking with new
> energy tomorrow...
> /Martin