all i can say is that my 4 a155's(they have only 8
steps each...) don't have any patterns or chaining or
anything and i still can make the sound far from
repetative by adding the output cv from the a155 to a
slow changing LFO triangle output...this way you can
have ALWAYS CHANGING patterns.of course you can have
always changing patterns by hundreds of other ways in
a modular system,too, just use your imagination...but
i CAN sync my a155's to midi clock,that is
basic/important to me...i think this MUST be possible
with the regelwerk!!!just ask chris assall or doepfer
how exactly you can achieve that!!!
--- Andreas Lindholm <
> First of all... don't shoot the messenger. Who is
> actually to blame, the
> customer with the bad hairdo or the hairdresser
> Now to the point. I would never have brought up
> regelwerk in here unless it
> was manufactured by said company and said to be the
> perfect tool and
> accompanyment for making cv-loops to run the A100.
> So bare with me and you
> might even get an idea of what I wanted to do with
> it and the A100. Here we
> go:
> I wanted a step sequencer that could output more
> than one cv and one gate.
> Why I wanted to make stepping changes to filters
> and modulations in my
> A100. So what I wanted was to have one line that
> controlled the pitch of the
> VCO another in sync that modified the QCV and Frq of
> the A122 and another to
> changes the PCV of the A111. Basicly I wanted the
> same control over the loop
> as Midi-CCs give me over my K2000rs. None of this
> works for me cause I
> haven't gotten around to syncing my loop with my
> midi-sequencer. I may be
> possible but the manual doesn't make me understand
> how. I can't chain
> patterns which makes it very repetitive and dull in
> a song... So I went out
> and bought a midi-cv converter which is now
> broken(will have to fix that)
> which leaves me with a sequencer that doesn't do
> anything for me.
> I didn't pay small money for the regelwerk, I choose
> it cause the exterior
> looked proffessional and the salesman insured me it
> was as good as an analog
> sequencer gets. The specs seemed good to. B.t.w. the
> car comparison faults
> cause it there is no air-conditioner, no stereo or
> wooden panels - you can
> buy them in the deluxe upgrade for any brand if you
> like. I would gladly pay
> say a 100 euro to have all the things I think could
> be expected from the
> regelwerk. Perhaps more if they convince me that new
> hardware indeed
> justifies it, but still I think I have paid for it
> cause 700 Euro isn't toys
> money to me.
> Btw, Bakkis DON'T BY A REGELWERK. Wait for the
> upgrades otherwise you too
> will be waiting in vane.
> AS for the general problem about upgrades I think it
> was solved good with
> the MAQ16/3 and could be done the same way. Included
> in new models and for a
> cost to those who want it in their old machines.
> Nothing strange about
> that...
> All said in as friendly a tone as possible;)
> /Andreas
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