hello (whatever your name is),
here is a small sound example for the a113.
it's a quickshot, so please don't expect
something too serious ;-)
you'll hear the same eight note sequence
over and over. each time when the sequence is
played twice, a different output is selected.
here is a listing for the outputs:
1. a111 square (source for the a113)
2. a113 output 1 (div 4)
3. a113 output 2 (div 8)
4. a113 output 3 (div 12)
5. a113 output 4 (div 16)
6. a113 mix output
7. a113 mix output -> a104
8. a113 mix output -> a104 + a bit a111 source
switching was done with an a152, by the way.
filesize: 697 kb
best wishes