--- In Doepfer_a100@y..., bakis Sirros <synth_freak_2000@y...> wrote:
> o.k.,
> all i can say is that my 4 a155's(they have only 8
> steps each...) don't have any patterns or chaining or
> anything
you can chain them by using the A151 sequential switch. pretty
standard. if you are using the square wave from an lfo to clock your
A155 , use another slower lfo and patch the triangle wave the trigger
input on the A151 and watch what happens. this will set the A151 into
a random mode. no repetition here.
here is a famous tangerine dream trick that is really cool. take the
pre out from the A155 and patch it to the cv1 input on A110 or A111
vco then take the post output from the A155 and patch it to the cv2
input, now turn the the pot clockwise and see what happens. phaedra
comes to mind.if you are using an A111 mult the post output and patch
one to cv2 input . now take the other and patch it into lin. fm
input. again turn the knob and listen.
now you can use an lfo to control a A130 lin. vca with the post out
as the source and to the cv2 input for voltage control of the input.
do the same if you want withe lin. fm input. ta da nice sweeps that
can synced to any clock or source you want that outputs a gate which
you patch into the reset of the lfo. now you can use a trigger from
one or all four of your A155's trig. out to sync the lfo. you can
also use A S&H module in the mix to make it more stepped. just
experiment and remember to bend the rules.enjoy i hope this helps
after the barrage schaltwerk postings .enjoy.
and i still can make the sound far from
> repetative by adding the output cv from the a155 to a
> slow changing LFO triangle output...this way you can
> have ALWAYS CHANGING patterns.of course you can have
> always changing patterns by hundreds of other ways in
> a modular system,too, just use your imagination...but
> i CAN sync my a155's to midi clock,that is
> basic/important to me...i think this MUST be possible
> with the regelwerk!!!just ask chris assall or doepfer
> how exactly you can achieve that!!!
> synthfreak
> --- Andreas Lindholm <andreas.k.lindholm@t...>
> wrote:
> > First of all... don't shoot the messenger. Who is
> > actually to blame, the
> > customer with the bad hairdo or the hairdresser
> >
> > Now to the point. I would never have brought up
> > regelwerk in here unless it
> > was manufactured by said company and said to be the
> > perfect tool and
> > accompanyment for making cv-loops to run the A100.
> > So bare with me and you
> > might even get an idea of what I wanted to do with
> > it and the A100. Here we
> > go:
> >
> > I wanted a step sequencer that could output more
> > than one cv and one gate.
> > Why I wanted to make stepping changes to filters
> > and modulations in my
> > A100. So what I wanted was to have one line that
> > controlled the pitch of the
> > VCO another in sync that modified the QCV and Frq of
> > the A122 and another to
> > changes the PCV of the A111. Basicly I wanted the
> > same control over the loop
> > as Midi-CCs give me over my K2000rs. None of this
> > works for me cause I
> > haven't gotten around to syncing my loop with my
> > midi-sequencer. I may be
> > possible but the manual doesn't make me understand
> > how. I can't chain
> > patterns which makes it very repetitive and dull in
> > a song... So I went out
> > and bought a midi-cv converter which is now
> > broken(will have to fix that)
> > which leaves me with a sequencer that doesn't do
> > anything for me.
> >
> > I didn't pay small money for the regelwerk, I choose
> > it cause the exterior
> > looked proffessional and the salesman insured me it
> > was as good as an analog
> > sequencer gets. The specs seemed good to. B.t.w. the
> > car comparison faults
> > cause it there is no air-conditioner, no stereo or
> > wooden panels - you can
> > buy them in the deluxe upgrade for any brand if you
> > like. I would gladly pay
> > say a 100 euro to have all the things I think could
> > be expected from the
> > regelwerk. Perhaps more if they convince me that new
> > hardware indeed
> > justifies it, but still I think I have paid for it
> > cause 700 Euro isn't toys
> > money to me.
> >
> > Btw, Bakkis DON'T BY A REGELWERK. Wait for the
> > upgrades otherwise you too
> > will be waiting in vane.
> >
> > AS for the general problem about upgrades I think it
> > was solved good with
> > the MAQ16/3 and could be done the same way. Included
> > in new models and for a
> > cost to those who want it in their old machines.
> > Nothing strange about
> > that...
> >
> > All said in as friendly a tone as possible;)
> > /Andreas
> >
> >
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