Hi Ernst!
>1) I see that Doepfer has put the pitch tracker on the overview as a
>module in
>development, good.
>I would like to stress that a range switch compatible to the A110
>So the old practice of saving ctrl. voltages to tape or an other
>medium can be used. By
>means of modulating the pitch of an a110 osc. with the voltage to be
>recorded and then
>recording the audio output of the a110. By setting the voltage range
>on a pitchtracker to
>the same as the one on the osc. the voltage can be retreived again
>and used over and over
>again... And: yes, I know this can also be done with amplitude.
>However the frequency
>based way I find much more elegant and accurate.
might be quite fun!
could use a sound card to record CV -- two for each stereo line
or heck, forget about the recording part and just make the modulations
entirely with a computer
- esa
Estä pop-up-mainokset