Hi everybody,
i just thought i'd share this bit of info:
My a-101-2 didn't selfoscillate when in filter mode with res-pot set to
max, so i decided to have a look wether i can modify it to actually do
this ; a friend's LPG *does* oscillate, so i figured out that it should
be rather easy to do. It was :-) When i bridged R17 (near the res-pot),
i suddenly got a *way* loud and clipped resonance. R17 is nominally
47k, so i figured my vactrols needed a different value there to
compensate for some individual manufacturing tolerances...i removed the
47k and replaced them with 22k---> voila, full oscillation , even
clippable. Only thing is that now the res-pot has influence on the
volume when the lpg is in vca mode...but i guess i can live with