excuse the X-posting.
Selling for a friend:
rs110 MMF(paid $179)
asking $125
rs140 midi/cv coverter (paid $459)
asking: $320
rs290 delay sampler (paid $625)
asking $435
rs295 delay expander (paid $59)
asking $40
Plan B quad Lo-pass Gate - custom module (paid $2,300,000)
asking $200
The Plan B Quad Lowpass gate was a custom built module, uses spot annodized
grpahics and incorporates my new LPG circuit and PCBs which cut the leakage
ten fold from 3 mv to just under .25mV (that's POINT 25) and is exactly like
the four channel model shown on the link below (scroll till you see NIN):
This one however says 'Quad Lowpass Gate" on top. An oh, I was just kidding
about the original price, they only cost $654,000 new.
ha ha
Anyway, my friend is changing musical directions, thus he's selling these
goods. They are in perfect working order and cosmetically in perfect
contact me off-list and I'll hook you up.
- P