Thank you Ingo and Florian for the responses. It looks to me that I will
have to acquire my third Doepfer 6U rack eventually. The reason for sudden
expansion: I stopped using computer/Cubase to make music. This completely
hands-on approach makes me feel much better, and forced me stop my endless
overdubbing. Regards,
>From: "selfoscillate" <
>Subject: 1 Re: Lot of A-154/A-155 Questions
>Date: Tue, 02 Aug 2005 07:19:37 -0000
>hello zoran,
>--- In
, "Zoran Bosnjak" <dj_allin@h...>
> > Hello everybody,
> >
> > I have just acquired A-154/A-155 combo. First: amazing. What a
> > tool. And here are the questions:
> >
> > 1. I want to add second sequencer to my system. It has to be analog
>(no MIDI
> > please). Should I just slap another 155, or buy something else that
>is going
> > to expand even more
>difficult to say. it depends on the money you want to spend.
>the a155 is very low in price. if you are satisfied with the
>a155, why not buy another one i'm personally pleased with
>the a155, i have two of them in my system, both linked
>together with an a154.
> > 2. How do I transpose the sequence up or down (I assume that I
>patch A-176
> > manual CV to switch, and trigger it when needed by trigger divider)
> > Note: in my system, TR-808 is a master. That gives me 3 x 16 steps
> > trigger (cowbel, clap, accent). I reset/sync 154 from 808.
>the switch/a176 combination works for sure.
>i often use the a156 dual quantizer for that. having the
>sequences quantized to semitones is not a bad thing and the
>a156 has a common transpose input, which can be used to add
>the transpose cv easily. of course a simple mixer works too.
> > 3. Is there a way to bypass changed reset functionality of 154 I
> > 155 way, where the reset moves you immediately to step one, and
>where you do
> > NOT have to wait for next clock signal.
>if i recall right there is a way, but i'm not sure.
>maybe dieter can shed some light on this
>best wishes