i have received the a108 filter prototype so,i thought
you would be interested to read some things about
it's sound:
i have put the jumpers in the places for the
6db/18db/30db/42db filter types,so these filter types
i have tested so far...all i can say is that the sound
of the 30db filter and the sound of the 42 db is very
nice/special, or strange compared to the standard 24
db.i like it especially for sounding different from
all the other standard filters.combining this with the
ext feedback feature(i usually connect another filter
output to the feedback input and turn the emphasis
knob to the right...)you can have very impressive
sounds or wierd ones!!!bottom line is that this filter
sounds different and that's why i will buy another one
in the future with the jumpers set for the other
filter types.
synthfreak(parallel worlds)
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