I would like to sell my Doepfer Vocoder system for monetary reasons.
It is the full system including the following modules:
A-129-1&2 Vocoder Analysis and Synthesis Sections
A-129-3 Vocoder Slew-Limiter X 3
A-129-4 Slew Limiter Controller
A-129-5 Voiced/Unvoiced Detector
The modules would cost $904 new in the U.S. Put these in your Doepfer Rack with power supply and you can be a vocoding fool. Note that the setup for this vocoder is extremely flexible because any individual frequency band can be patched to any other of the 15 bands. For more information see the Doepfer site at
The modules are in nearly-new, fully-functional condition and have seen some light gigging while not in my smoke-free studio.
I will accept the best reasonable offer.