hello zoran,
the only module which uses the buss too is the a190,
but this module writes the buss instead of reading it.
basically all modules can use the system buss, but you
need a different ribbon cable and you have to solder
a connection between the cv/gate buss and the jack sockets
in question.
i own an a143/2 which responds to the gate buss,
but it is not the standard version, i ordered it
with this modification.
best wishes
--- In
, "Zoran Bosnjak" <dj_allin@h...>
> Hello,
> this is a question I always wanted to ask about bus module
> beside A-110, A-111, and A-140, are there any other modules that
can use it
> (get the signal from the bus)
> Regards,
> Zoran
> >From: "selfoscillate" <synaptic_music@y...>
> >Reply-To:
> >To:
> >Subject: 1 Re: A-185
> >Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 14:41:42 -0000
> >
> >
> >hello bryan,
> >
> >from my experience you need the a185 only when sending a
> >pitch cv to multiple origins, lets say you send a quantized
> >voltage to three vco's and a filter. as long as you use a
> >buffered multiple like the a185 you will be fine, but when
> >using an unbuffered multiple like a180 the cv voltage will
> >drop at a certain point and maybe your vco's will be out
> >of tune then.
> >the a185 feeds the system buss of the a100, so if you want
> >to use the system buss, you need the a185.
> >
> >to shortly answer your question, you do not necessarily need
> >an a185, but sometimes it makes life a lot easier
> >if you have one.
> >
> >hope this helps
> >
> >best wishes
> >
> >ingo
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >--- In
, "Bryan E Cornell" <bcor@l...>
> >wrote:
> > > I was looking around on the Doepfer site and I noticed the a185
> >Access module. I'm not clear on what it does. If I send my
> >lfo to a bunch of different sources, will the signal somehow
> >degrade I have a Doepfer suitcase system and I'm always sending
> >cv's to a multiple and then off to other places in the Doepfer
> >and to my other racks of Blacet/Wiard modules. I haven't noticed
> >that this is a problem, but I'm not always very scientific about
> >analyzing my patches.
> > >
> > > As my modular grows will I need the a185
> > >
> > > Thanks for any advice.
> > >
> > > Bryan
> >
> >