> b.t.w. The SC filter prototype working as well. To speak the truth: it's not
> very exciting from my point of view. Just a chaste, clean filter having not
> very much character to my estimation. Maybe I use to often the A-106-1,
> A-107 and A-124 ...
> I hope I will find the time to make some MP3's soon.
To me the SC-filter would be attractive if it could do more than just lo
pass. Hi, bandpass and notch would be great. The A-108 allready
has a 48 dB lo pass for surgical work so I would personally not go
for a 60 dB SC-filter that only offers lo pass.
Actually I would love a strong clean sounding filter with very flexible
notch. Maybe SC-technique makes possible an affordable cv-
controlled steepness of the slope That way I would get through the
backdoor what I really miss: a strong vc parametric eq. We're all
really gonna need that for the feedback loop of the delay!! ;-)