rrooyyccee said:
> thanks for the reply.
> this is all somewhat confusing. i confess i don't understand the
> concepts at play here, but did have a chance to search for the
> archives, and found some threads hinting that the bussboard module may
> be necessary to do portamento effects.
Likely for it's voltage buffering features. Do you notice these pitch
problems with just one oscillator after the slew, or with more than one
Some slew lims can get loaded down by multiple oscillators, and this can
cause pitch problems... buffering the output of the slew lim before you
mult to oscs can alleviate this. The bus modules buffer so...
In my rig I keep a couple ASys buffered mults for this purpose, handy!
|| Over the mountain, watching ||||||||||
||| the watcher, Set the controls |||||||
|||| for the heart of the sun |||||||||||