hello ernst,
i am not sure, but one of my a111's had a similar
problem with the PW function (PW knob or pwm knob
+input) and the sine, triangle waveforms, and it
turned out to be a broken cem3340 chip.
but, i had again a similar problem with another of my
a111's (i have 8...) and all i had to do is first
insert and then unplug a patchcord in the hard sync
input of the a111. try this, maybe this will fix the
problem. dieter had once told me the reason for
thishard sync issue.. but i cannot remember it now...
just try this patchcord trick with the hard sync( and
softsync) jacks of your a111.
--- achtung_999 <
> Hello everyone.
> This week I had a very profitable a100 second hand
> buy.
> Among all the goodies were two A111 VCOs.
> I have connected both and immediately found out they
> were both out of tune with each
> other and with my a110s.
> I also noticed on my oscilloscope that the sawtooth
> from these babies is a rising one
> instead of a falling.. this is normal eh
> But the most scary thing is that one of the a111s
> has a clear defect.
> If I turn the Pulse Width knob above the 5 position
> it starts to influence the pitch and the
> amplitude of the sine, saw and triangle waveforms!!
> I have been trying to tune the oscillators but I
> first would like to know the whole story
> before I continue...
> Thanks,
> Ernst
Bakis Sirros
Parallel Worlds
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