hello ernst,
i had this problem with one of my newer a130's as well.
the output of the a130 was inverted, but besides
this the unit worked as intended.
it appeared to be a wrong wiring on the pcb.
as long as you use the a130 for audio applications,
this is no problem, but it sure is a problem if you
use it to modify control voltages.
dieter fixed this issue on my a130 (i'm not good in
soldering things), i suggest that you contact him directly.
best wishes
--- In
, "achtung_999"
<heinrich.himmelwasser@g...> wrote:
> Some other strange thing I noticed this weekend with the
oscilloscope at hand..
> I own one a132 and two a130s. The two 130s are of different
generations, which I don't
> object to so much.
> What I did is the following:
> I patch the output of an a118 random voltage into an a172 max/min.
> As second input I input a constant voltage from my a176 to make
sure that the max
> output of the a172 puts out only positive values.
> This goes into the vca as signal and then I take an envelope as cv
> This in all the cases delivers a positive voltage output you would
> However my a130 of the second generation presented a negative
output, to my surprise.
> All the other mentioned vca's behaved as expected...
> Is something wrong with my a130(second generation) or is this an
intentional design
> thing.. (would be strange if you'd ask me)
> Greetings,
> Ernst