dieter says:
"the BBD affair becomes a bit confused because of the
information coming from
the BBD manufacturer. They have sent us samples of the
2048 stage BBD (used
in the audio examples on the preliminary BBD page).
When we asked for
samples of the 1024 stage BBD they told us at first
that they are not in
production but it is possible to get some samples for
research. Now we
received some samples but they had a different case
than the 2048 stage BBDs
and it is not possible to replace the 2048 stage BBDs
with the 1024 BBDs.
This would be not really a problem as we could modify
the pc board so that
both types of the BBDs could be used. But another
problem occured: we wanted
to order the first batch of both BBDs yesterday. Now
the manufacturer told
us that only the 1024 stage BBDs are in production but
the 2048 stage BBDs
will be manufactured not until spring 2006. This is
quite the opposite of
what they told us in the beginning. Before we continue
I have to clear
finally which type of the BBDs and in which case type
are available in the
near future. We want to have the parts in the company
before we start the
production (because of some bad experiences with
availability promises in
the past ...).
Provided that both BBDs will be available these are
our plans: a module with
both BBDs (1024 and 2048 stages) on board, separate
audio inputs, separate
feedback loops (2 sockets each: BBD output and
feedback input that is
normalled to the BBD output), separate feedback
polarity switches and
separate clock inputs for each BBD, one common
high-speed VCO ("nearly"
1V/oct), and probably a common output mixer
(original/BBD1/BBD2). The audio
inputs are normalled to one common audio source, but
even different audio
signals can be used for each BBD. The high-speed VCO
output is normalled to
the clock inputs of both BBDs.
With this conception a lot if different combinations
can be patched (e.g.
parallel/serial BBDs, same or different clock for both
BBDs, normal/crossed
feedback and many more). So far the front panel has
not yet been "designed"
as we want to wait for the answer of the BBD
manufacturer not to waste
working time if there will be problems with the BBD
We will try to built an adapter for the 1024 stage BBD
so that it can be
used in the prototype (designed for the 2048 stage
BBD) and add some audio
examples with the 1024 stage BBD as soon it works."
Bakis Sirros
Parallel Worlds
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